
Do you have a child who is struggling in school? Or perhaps they aren’t struggling, but are so far ahead they’re bored and getting in trouble? Is homework not getting turned in on time? Maybe your student isn’t in school at all because you’re homeschooling, but you need some help working with them on a particular subject.

Your child might be working on a Big Project or interested in delving deeper into an interest area, and you need someone else to work on it with them. Or you could be taking the early college route, and you’re looking for someone for your student to talk to about their experiences.

If any of those descriptions sounds familiar, you’re in the right place! Exceeds Expectations Learning offers tutoring and mentoring services for students ages 7 and up, online worldwide via Skype or Zoom and in person in the Seattle area. 伟理httpWe cover subjects across the board, and specialize in working with gifted and twice-exceptional (2e) students, tailoring our approach to each student. Whether it’s homework help or unschooling subject support, in elementary school or halfway through college, we’ll work with you to ensure you and your student are getting what you need.

Approaching every challenge with a ready smile, helping hand, compassionate heart, and excellent sense of humor.
